Ken’s Blog

Photo By Hackshots

My Testimony

My journey began back in 1979, when I was only 13 years old. During a revival at the church my parents attended, the guest minister finished his sermon and asked everyone who was born again to gather around someone who wasn’t born again. Immediately, the young people encircled me and asked if I wanted to get saved (the same as giving your life to Christ, hence, being “born again”). I was embarrassed and said that I did not want to. They kept prodding me and eventually I gave in and went up to the altar. I did not want to be up there, but there I was, stuck in a position that was uncomfortable. (As a side note, I do not believe this method of pressuring someone to get saved is scriptural. An individual’s decision to give their life to Christ should not be one under pressure, but one of willful surrender).

To make everyone happy, I bowed my head and pretended to pray. After a few minutes, though, I thought to myself, “I might as well just pray that prayer anyway while I’m up here.” I could not explain what happened, but a change started to take place. Before I knew it, a feeling deep inside of me came up to the surface of my emotions and I found myself crying and with the sensation of being “cleaned“ inside of my heart in a way that I’ve never felt before. To my amazement, I really was born again! My prayer wasn’t fully sincere, but God accepted it anyway. Looking back, I can honestly say that it was His grace and mercy which did it. I’m glad He did because I don’t know if I would ever have prayed that prayer any other time in my life. In this case, this method of pressure was just what I needed to respond. Glory to God!

Over the next three years, I listened much to the preaching and teaching of the Word of God as well as reading the Bible (which my dad and mom gave me when I was baptized in 1980 on Mother’s Day). Then, at the age of 16, I preached my first sermon. It was a short sermon because I was so nervous. But in God, I continued to grow spiritually and preached occasionally over the next 10 years.

When I was 26 years old, I was drawn to a Bible college in Oklahoma (due to listening to Christian programming on the radio). The Holy Spirit was working in me to attend this college, so I made a trip to their “Get Acquainted With Rhema Weekend” in the spring of 1992. It was a wonderful time to see the campus and attend a few classes, hearing the lectures. I was sure that was where I belonged. However, Satan is crafty and knew how to draw me away from God‘s will for my life. He suddenly began to convince me that I wasn’t going to be able to afford it. I began to take my eyes off of God and started doubting His ability to take care of my needs. This frustration eventually led me to leave the church that I had attended for around eight years. And, eventually, I ran from God.

It took another 20 years, and a failed marriage, for me to come back to the place where I rededicated my life back to God and yield to His will. I was reading a book by Joseph Prince entitled “Destined To Reign”. This was a book that my church, which I attended for several years after the failed marriage, was teaching in a Sunday school class. God used this book, as well as His Word, to reveal to me what grace was. I was set free and so moved that I told him, “Whatever You want me to do, I’ll do it.” Instantly, He said within my spirit, “I want you to finish what I told you to start.” I felt His call to go to Rhema drop down into my heart again, and I agreed to do it. (Comparing dates afterwards, it was approximately 20 years to the week, if not the day, that this happened). It was another year before I finally went, but the Lord got me there. I had always thought that I was 20 years late in following His call to attend Bible college. But God said to me after I started attending classes at Rhema, “You are not late, but on time.“ He knew what path I would have to take in order for me to yield to Him and attend classes, as well as what it would take for me to give my heart to Him back in 1979. He is so loving and patient!

Another thing that should be mentioned here is that, when I was 16 years old (possibly the attempt of Satan to stop me from obeying the Lord’s calling for me to preach), periods of depression began to surface in my life. They intensified after I graduated high school. At times it would be to the point of crippling my emotions. Also at times, I wanted to die. But God had His hand on me and would not let the devil take my life. These attacks of depression from Satan lasted until I attended Rhema in 2013. After 30 years of battling depression, the Lord revealed to me how to combat such hellish attacks. I want to tell others what the Lord can do in their lives so they don’t have to be trapped in this “prison” any longer.

By believing God’s design for my life and following His instructions, I can honestly say that I’ve never had more peace than what I have now. He knows who I am, what I need, and when I need it. Not only did I receive the Bible training He wanted me to have, He also gave me such a wonderful wife who has a heart for missions. Through our following His direction for our lives, I believe that He can reach through my wife and I to rescue and restore others who need not just restoration for their spirit, but for their soul and body as well.

August 30, 2019

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